Our Promise

To provide the Structure, Education, and Accountability to achieve your Fitness Dream and guarantee the results. Not only will we provide the necessary fitness systems, we will encourage and motivate you to find the joy, and peace of mind and lifestyle you deserve.

Our Vision:

To transform the World through Health Education and Guidance. Our team is Commited, Passionate, and Devoted to the success of each individual. Our goal is to provide well being, health, and fitness as a way for people to live the life they love.

Our Purpose:

To influence millions of people through fitness and lifestyle training.

Our Mission:

Helping Individuals achieve the Healthy Balanced Body and Lifestyle of their dreams.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Frank & Julie's Testimonies

---Frank's Testimony---

Julie and I started training at a local gym approximately 2 years ago. She was my first client and I was her first trainer! I remember how we both were ecstatic! Julie has made tremendous progress but never really had a breakthrough until almost a year and a half after she started her journey!

Breakthrough for Julie started when she was on the verge of quitting. She stopped training for a few months and even sent me a cancellation letter. I said it was urgent that she came in and saw me. I took Julie out to a Healthy Breakfast and wrote up a nutrition plan for her during our meal. We also revisited her goals. At that point: Life Happened for Julie. A miracle took place and Julie began prepping her food. She committed to 3 times/week training with me. She noticed definition in her arms and legs. Julie starting seeing results such as the indentions in her shoulders, the bump her triceps display and the tear drop in her quads.

More than ever I have been very intentional with her form and technique of lifting. She now trains harder than ever, grunting, yelling and pushing through like a true champ! I am so excited to have met Julie Jay. She is always smiling and her physique is rapidly transforming. She does not complain as much. She just does what I say, and usually says, "Oh Frank!" Lol, Like Chi Chi Okezie, My Senior Editor & Publisher, who gives me a sarcastic smile, saying "Yes Frank!".

People are just alarmed sometimes when new workout exercises are implemented! Julie is a phenomenal woman and I am pumped for what is to come in this new year!

Frank Wall


---Julie's Testimony---

I have been working out with Frank Wall for approximately six months now. During these six months, my strength has increased greatly. I had a major increase in strength and it has helped me feel better inside and out. Working out gives me more confidence and helps me to feel more alive.

In the past, my motivation and workout routines were so inconsistent. Since deciding to commit the next year to working out with Frank, I have stayed motivated. Frank does a great job of encouraging and motivating me to workout harder and to eat much healthier. The eating was the hardest part for me, but I am finally beginning to see the benefits of combining healthy eating with my workouts.

Seeing my weight, measurements and body fat percentages going down, excites me the most! My body fat has dropped 9% as I am turning yucky fat into lean muscle. As those numbers continue decreasing, I am able to set new goals. At 35, I am happy to see my body looking better than ever. As I continue working with Frank to get healthier and stronger, I am looking forward to my body transformation in the next six months!

Julie Jay

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