Our Promise

To provide the Structure, Education, and Accountability to achieve your Fitness Dream and guarantee the results. Not only will we provide the necessary fitness systems, we will encourage and motivate you to find the joy, and peace of mind and lifestyle you deserve.

Our Vision:

To transform the World through Health Education and Guidance. Our team is Commited, Passionate, and Devoted to the success of each individual. Our goal is to provide well being, health, and fitness as a way for people to live the life they love.

Our Purpose:

To influence millions of people through fitness and lifestyle training.

Our Mission:

Helping Individuals achieve the Healthy Balanced Body and Lifestyle of their dreams.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


By Frank Wall. Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved.

I hope these nuggets of knowledge will direct you into the right path to change your lives for the better! Let us continue with our series on: “The Top 3 Biggest Health Misconceptions in Women’s Society”.

The Second Biggest Health Misconception: Endless Cardio

Many women run on a treadmill or train on an elliptical for hours on end at high intensities to stay lean. Unfortunately, you burn muscle doing those types of exercises. You breathe heavy for extended periods of time, your brain is deprived of oxygen and it reverts to muscle for fuel. Believe it or not, you become a Skinny Fat! Yes, you lose weight but you lose muscles and some fat, instead of just fat.

Sometimes, women do endless cardio to burn off all these calories they just ate. It is not about the calories that you had that day. It is more to look at the whole week or even the entire month. There is something wrong if you are in fear every time you eat badly. If you eat unhealthy all the time and are not worried about it, you need to look into that. I would rather put those big calories to use for a hard workout later, involving weights, or body weight exercise rather than cardio. You will have plenty of fuel available to you to get you through a powerful workout.

You must realize that doing endless cardio is not the best way to lose a lot of weight. It is not about the weight. You will lose weight and more than likely have flabby skin as a result. I have said this before in my famous articles and teachings: Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle.

The truth of the matter is that you can injure yourself if you are overweight. Perfect Example: I used to train a woman who stressed she had no more money to continue training. Instead, she went to those cardio classes gym offers. She was not strength training. One day she reached over in her car to grab something and severely injured her shoulder. Her frame and the amount of muscle she had, was completely disproportionate. Granted, my services are not cheap, but neither was that doctor’s bill. The price she paid for one visit was equal to a few months of my time.

Your health is important. Do not ever wait until the last minute. Trust me, I have leaned a lot in my years and you do not want to pay the hard way.


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